Title: Numero Uno Fandom: JONAS Rating: G Disclaimer: Disney decided that the Jonas Brothers just weren't famouse enough and decided to give a broke college student from the middle of nowhere exclusive rights to all things related to the boys.... note the sarcasm Pairing: Joe/Stella Summary: She's only kind of, sort of, maybe completely freaking
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Title: Sleeping With JONAS Fandom: JONAS Warning: None Disclaimer: I own nothing Pairing: None Summary: Friendship!fic A late night study session between five friends, and the morning after
Title: The Eye of the Beholder Fandom: JONAS Warning: One cuss word Disclaimer: I own nothing Pairing: Mildly pre-Kevin/Macy, Kevin&Macy friendship Summary: A very ticked off Macy and an adorably clueless Kevin. Macy does not like to be called cute.
Title: Fred Fandom: JONAS Warning: I don't know, Joe reads slash/incest on accident, does that count? Disclaimer: I own nothing Pairing: none Summary: Fred writes fanfiction, Joe finds it. Fred writes Lucascest, Joe freaks out.
Title: Think of the Children in Africa Fandom: JONAS Warning: fluffy-ish Disclaimer: I own nothing Pairing: Pre-Joe/Stella Summary: The kids are counting on her.
A/N: Inspired by Stella's line of only eating ice cream when a guy breaks up with her and a guy never having broke up with her.
Title: And so the Lightbulbs Flashed Fandom: JONAS Disclaimer: I own nothing Warning:: None Pairing: Nick/Fiona Summary: Set shortly after "Frantic Romantic."